Monday, January 11, 2010

Beauty is Everywhere.

Each Monday is Annika and Mama day. Today for Annika and Mama day, we played "salon". We had a nice fanfare about making an appointment and getting seated and having tea and being very fancy and formal. I began by setting her hair in rollers. As I set her hair in rollers, she proceeded to tell me a story about how she is an orphan and has no parents and she lives a thousand miles away and doesn't have a car and it took her three hours to walk to the salon. She was hoping that maybe I would be her mommy.
Let me get this straight: Today, for Annika and MAMA day, you want to play salon and tell me to be the SALON LADY so that you can pretend you HAVE NO MOMMY and ask THE SALON LADY to be your new MOMMY.
alrighty then.


but we had a great time doing fingernails, hair, makeup, and applying random liquids with bits of cotton. She did my makeup and hair afterward. I smell like a watermelon, after having been the recipient of half a bottle of tangle-free spray. :) she likes to spray stuff.
She's the best girl ever.
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