Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sit down and read your book until I call your name.

Picasa Web Albums - Bee - portraits stowe sorensen

Today we played Photo Studio...
The kids each filled out their "form" (various versions of their name) and stood in line to come into the "studio" where I had the camera on a tripod and some lamps with the shades off. Then later they got to come back one at a time for the "consultation" and see their pictures on the laptop. I was amazed that they all sat in the "waiting room" calmly reading books until I called their name.

Oh what we must do to get through a rainy day...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today at Super Cool School...

We talked about SPRING! We played a guessing game with barnyard animals, played with lemon-scented playdough and spring cookie cutters, practiced moving like different spring creatures (flutter like a butterfly...creep like a turtle...hop like a bunny...etc), used tweezers to find bugs in birdseed, counted bugs to match the number, and sorted barnyard animals into family groups (put all the mamas and daddies and babies together). For craft we glued a big humongous flower and poured birdseed onto the middle. It's amazing that I don't have birdseed throughout my entire house...I swept four times during the course of the morning. :)

Finding bugs in birdseed...

counting bugs...

sorting barnyard animals...

Annika's humongous flower...

...and Eli. Just happy to eat jelly on bread.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Picasa Web Albums - Bee - Shan and Baby Ice Cream's Visit

Picasa Web Albums - Bee - Shan and Baby Ice Cream's Visit

Picasa Web Albums - Bee - BBQ and farewell

Picasa Web Albums - Bee - BBQ and farewell

We miss them already...

Shannon and Irene came to visit from "stupid Memphis" last week. They stayed in Eagan but came to Hearts at Home and then we went shopping at the cutie shoppes in downtown White Bear Lake. We spent a lot of time together had a crazy fun time! Annika loves her Auntie Shannon more than life itself. And she simply adores her cousin Irene. I don't have a sister of my own and it's nice to borrow CJ's. (BTW-I'm blessed to have a variety of sisters-in-law and they are each dear to me. But this blog is about Shannon's visit.) Shan and I inevitably find ourselves doubled over in laughter and unable to even explain to bystanders what is so dang hilarious. The kiddoes are a hoot and I only wish they lived closer so the cousins can grow up together. I'll keep praying. Till then, here's some photos of the visit.
...okay I guess they're above this blurb. Oh. I'll figure out the blogging thing someday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Princess Jasmine has a belly button

We went to see Central Middle School's Production of Aladdin Jr on Friday. Annika wanted to dress up like Princess Jasmine, so she wore this beautiful hanbok (is it a hanbok?) that Auntie Shannon brought her from Hong Kong. She also had a scarf belt and a scarf headband...and wanted to make sure her belly button showed, because "Princess Jasmine has a belly button". As I was helping her with her belt, a scary thought occcurred to me and I asked my daughter, "Annika, you know that you aren't IN the play, right? You will sit and watch it but not go on stage." She thought about that for a moment and it seemed to suit her fine. "I don't want to sing the Whole New World Song". Okee dokee. good to go.
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

well phooey

I tried to post some pictures to go along with my new thing about Super Cool School...But somehow the pictures are seperated from the post.

I'm done trying to fix it. Three people will see it. Who cares. Good night!
stringing rainbow necklaces...
signing "rainbow" while Eli looks on...
our rainbow lunch...with marshmallow clouds!
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I guess I blog about races.

Okay I truly do lots of other things besides running races. I just realized that I hadn't entered anything since the last race so it prompted me to post a new one. That and Fawnda was on my case about it. :) I ran a 10k with my dear friend Amy was the first time we had ever run together, after 5 years of friendship and an equally long agreement that "we should really run together sometime." Finally we ran together...and we have the ugly shirts to prove it.
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