Thursday, April 23, 2009

Princess Jasmine has a belly button

We went to see Central Middle School's Production of Aladdin Jr on Friday. Annika wanted to dress up like Princess Jasmine, so she wore this beautiful hanbok (is it a hanbok?) that Auntie Shannon brought her from Hong Kong. She also had a scarf belt and a scarf headband...and wanted to make sure her belly button showed, because "Princess Jasmine has a belly button". As I was helping her with her belt, a scary thought occcurred to me and I asked my daughter, "Annika, you know that you aren't IN the play, right? You will sit and watch it but not go on stage." She thought about that for a moment and it seemed to suit her fine. "I don't want to sing the Whole New World Song". Okee dokee. good to go.
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