Sunday, March 22, 2009

Okay I'm a blogger now,,,I guess

I decided that facebook is too lame to waste my time on anymore. I like the idea of connecting with friends but it's not the forum on which to share the goings-on of our life. I'm tired of the quizzes and the random requests. I'm not interested in which 90210 character I most resemble, even if it is SCARILY accurate!

Today we ran a 5k. It was a family affair... Go Team Eichenjogger! Even the kids got in on the fun. Eric and Annika ran their first official race. It was a 1/4 mile kids run. They both were awesome. Annika announced herself the winner and will not give up her title despite repeated reminders by Eric that he actually came in before her.

I ran my race in 26 minutes, which is a Personal Record for me. Brian beat us all, finishing in 24 minutes. CJ and Rebecca stayed together for most of the race, crossing around 30 minutes. Mom surprised us all by finishing way before her estimated time. It was her first race EVER and she did amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Welcome to the blogging world! I am excited that I will be able to check up on you here now! I am goiing to add you to my side bar now! : )

    You are right! Facebook is lame!

