Saturday, August 8, 2009

Who needs a gym?

When I was at the cabin I needed a workout but didn't want to go on a long run. I used some tricks I had learned from my personal trainer, Mary. It turned out to be a really fun workout and I did it again with CJ and the kids when they arrived. CJ added one special component to the workout... only a man would think of something so wonderfully absurd.

He documented the whole thing so I'll be lazy and send you there to see it.

The best part about exercising with CJ was the positive energy we got from each other and our nutty children. The kids were running to and fro, trying to lift various things and racing and cheering. It was really great. Sometimes I think I should be sad about my kids getting "too old to cuddle", but there are so many new and fun things to experience as a family. They are charming and interesting, and we have a lot to look forward to. And we'll be healthy together! :)

1 comment:

  1. After seeing your work out I have to say that you are one mama that you don't want to mess with!

    I love how your family has fun together no matter what you are doing! : )
