Tuesday, November 24, 2009

whoa! what happened there??!

Happy Birthday Annika, and now it's almost time for Christmas. yikes!

The kids are giggling in the tub. Nothing spells F-U-N like bubbles, a snorkel and mask, and a bucket. They are really getting along nicely these days...they're best buds and I just love it.

We had a terrific Halloween as a family, and didn't even let illness get us down. Poor Eric missed TWO harvest parties: the one at his Nana's school and the one at his own school. But he was well in time to go to church and we all went as a family unit: Mary Poppins and friends. Annika LOVED her long blonde wig (as a matter of fact she was wearing it just today!) and Eric just loved collecting candy and wearing something that didn't require constant re-shifting.

Today our favorite thing in the world is this video:
we've watched it several times, and I believe you will, too.

Well I promised myself that I would just do an "easy post" to break the spell. I've been feeling too busy to post because I have it built up to be this big requirement and if I have that much time then I should tackle the laundry or the dishes or...bum BUM BUMMMM! my DESK!

So I'll go put a load in the washer and clear off the table now. the desk is gonna have to wait a little longer. I told the kids we'd watch the video again after they get out of the tub.

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