Thursday, June 25, 2009

Children are endlessly amusing!

Here's a video that CJ took last night and put on his blog. Sorry to make you blog-hop but I don't think you'll mind.

The funny thing is that Nana had given Papa a Bop-It for Father's Day and Eric HATED it! H-A-T-E-D it. He tried so hard not to cry but he was clearly WAY anxious, chewing his shirt and looking at it nervously. When Papa "lost" and it went AAAWWWOAH! then Eric lost his cool and wanted nothing to do with it, couldn't even be in the room when others were playing it...we had a long gentle session of showing him that it was not a malicious toy. So yesterday when he came up to me making the "sss, stch, stch...puh puh" percussion sounds of the bop it game, I was a bit puzzled. But then he did a perfect "Bop It! AAAAWWWOAH!" and I laughed out loud. Let's go to the video, shall we?


  1. So sweet, this Eric James!
    I think perhaps his sensitivities is at the very least fodder for my next poem. Beyond that---I am in awe of such preciousness.

    Also, i love Annika's background dancing. Go-Go Girl!

  2. That is SO FUNNY! He has such a great imagination! I also love that he let you bop and flick him!

  3. Oh, and I also like CJ's blog! Cute puppet show! Kyan loved it and wanted to watch it over and over!

  4. The puppet show was a hootie hoot hoot!
