Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stillwater is VERY FAR AWAY. least it seems far when we're riding bikes there.

On Monday night we packed the kiddoes and a snack in the Burley and took off for a long-distance bike trek to Stillwater's Teddy Bear Park. Most of the journey was on the Gateway Trail, which is lovely. Some of it was on a bike path along a county road, which was Super Steep Hills. Ugh. CJ towed the burley most of the way...70 pounds of cuteness gets mighty heavy after a while.
The Teddy Bear Park is a darling place to bring kids, and it was the perfect night for it. The weather was mild and the park wasn't too crowded.
OOPS Bee uploaded pictures to CJ's profile
Listening to the kids converse in the Burley was educational and entertaining. I'm glad I got to tow them for half the homeward bound trip. Just the right amount, and CJ tackled most of the hills!

When we got home I mapped it on and found that we had biked 27.8 miles. wowzers. That counts as a workout.


  1. my butt, back, legs, and everything would hurtJune 19, 2009 at 3:56 PM

    your kids are super awesome. I love them. you and ceej aren't bad either...and you guys are buff. no way in $%$@#^ that shan and I could ride a bike that far..

  2. That is so cool! I just got a bike from a garage sale and I am on the look out for a trailor! Than I can go on trips with you! But not that far! : )
