Thursday, April 22, 2010


We went to Lakewood Hills Park for Earth Day and we picked up trash.

I must admit that there was an alarming amount of "grown-up litter" (in the form of alcohol and tobacco delivery devices) but the kids mostly ran around wearing gloves and finding candy bar wrappers. My friend Emily even thought to bring extra bags to sort out recyclable litter. Gotta love that!!

But the most eye-opening item we found was a fast-food hamburger bun. It was just sitting on the ground in perfect form. No animal would venture to nibble on that thing. yikes! neither will I, to be sure.

It was a gorgeous day outside and we were glad to be celebrating Earth Day with friends in a helpful way.
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1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! My boys and I worked outside on our yard today and made earth day cookies.

    :)God Bless
