Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We're going to the dogs around here.

We borrowed two Westies this afternoon for a doggie playdate. We had a blast! My friend Laurie has a "teenage" and a "baby" West Highland White Terrier. Eric is in love with them.

Eric loved both dogs right away; Annika pretty much hated them for the first hour. We took them for a walk up to school to "pick up" CJ from work, and then mostly ran around in the yard with them. They are fun to play with and they play with each other which is hilarious. After a while Eric lost interest and started working in the garden just as Annika was warmed up enough to enjoy the running and the jumping and the licking.

I tell you what, though: The best part about the doggie playdate was learning that we like dogs on a short-term basis. They should make all prospective dog owners undergo a short-term trial. We will definitely ask to have them over again sometime soon.

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